Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I just am

I'm alternate side parking, sitting in my car, my puppy lounging in the back seat. It's hot but not as sticky as it's been. The kids are at camp until 4. I've got the entire day by myself and except for a vet appointment, no other concrete things on the schedule.

Maybe a yoga class.

Maybe not. Turns out I have bursitis in my shoulder and that's what's been hurting so much. A month of anti-inflammatories and icing like mad should do the trick.

So, perhaps I'll take a nap.

I have tons of cleaning to do. Paperwork to dive into. Organizing to take care of.

I could bake a cake.

I could sort through my clothes and get rid of things I don't wear anymore.

I could fix the chipped purple nail polish on my right foot.

I could tackle much bigger things, but I'm not going to even mention them because I know that won't happen.

Perhaps I'll take a nap.

That's a worthwhile goal.

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